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How to Make a Good Impression at a Job interview?

Unemployment is one of the hot topics in all media in the past few years. Those who already have a job are concerned for their job position, while those who are looking for a job are afraid that they won’t be able to find a new one.

It is true that the number of job offers is decreased and the number of applications is high. Many companies are overwhelmed by the numerous CVs and cover letters they get once they start looking for employees. Because of the short deadlines and the fierce competition, the first impression you make must be perfect. If you want to increase your chances of getting that job position you need to prove that you really want to work in that company, but you will also need to convince the employer that you are familiar with their work, that you know what they need and that you have ideas that can help them.


Before submitting an application and resume for a job position, take your time and do some research about the employer and the company. It is a good idea to create a template cover letter and adjust it for every company where you want to send that letter. Sending the same general cover letter to all employers won’t leave a really good impression. Pay special attention to the way you are writing that letter and avoid grammatical errors. Always read the document twice before sending it. Make sure that you are brief, clear and concise. Employers today have little time to read these requests in details and they usually focus on the main points. This means that your request for an interview doesn’t have to be extensive – highlight the most important things about you in fragments.

Preparation for the interview

As we have mentioned, do some research and find more about the company before going to the interview. Who they are, what do they work, did they have any important successes or changes in the last year, what is new and interesting in their industry, these are some of the questions you need to answer. Of course, you will also need to come up with suggestions about how they can improve their work by hiring you. This is the right time to point out your previous experience and suggest implementation of that experience in the work of the company.

The interview

Once you know the date and time for the interview never try to move it or cancel it. Arrive on the location on time. When you are shaking hands be confident and watch the other party in the eyes. Make sure you wear appropriate and simple clothes. Women who use makeup need to use discreet makeup, discreet jewelry and proper shoes (high heels are usually inappropriate). Listen to the interviewer and be focused on what they say. Avoid thinking about the things you are planning to say. Finally, show some interest by asking questions about the company.