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3 Resume Mistakes to Avoid

A Resume can be described as an identity card and very often the resume is the first contact you make with a potential employer. This is the basis which leads to some conclusions which are very often hard to be changed later. It is a well known fact that the first impression is very important especially when you are looking for a new job. In most cases if you don’t leave a good first impression you won’t get a second chance. This is especially true today when the unemployment rate is so high and the world is still recovering from the global financial crisis. It is good to point out that there is more than one way to write a resume. But, no matter what type of resume you want to submit you should know that you must focus on your results, skills and achievements. You also need to be creative and precise/concise at the same time. This is not a difficult task if you know what you are doing and if you are doing it carefully. Very often people make resume mistakes because they don’t have much experience in this field and this is why we are presenting three common resume mistakes that you need to avoid.

  1. Huge paragraphs

If your resume consists of an endless series of sentences that are connected with each other, be assured that your potential employer will either skip some parts of the resume or they will get tired of reading it all. Both situations will certainly not increase your chances for an interview. So, keep in mind that it is good to create new paragraphs after every two or three sentences. You can also use some marks that can be used to highlight each paragraph. In this way, your resume will be more readable and more efficient. Try to be precise and provide only relevant information.

  1. Fonts and style of writing

Many people forget to take care of the visual appearance of the resume. For example, there are many resumes in which people use different fonts in different sizes and they also use underline and bold options on inappropriate places. Some of them even use different colors. It is important to understand that this type of resume doesn’t look serious and the employer will certainly be irritated when reading this type of a resume. Fonts with size smaller than 11, are not advisable. The same goes for those who think that using capital letters might get the attention of the potential employer.

  1. Overcrowded resume

Finally, keep in mind that not everything that happened in your life is relevant for the potential employer. Many people make the same mistake and try to write down any info about their skills and career on a single page. This will make the resume hard to read. If you are sure that the information is relevant, try to organize your resume in more than one page (resumes with two or even three pages are not that uncommon).